
Back to School Fun!

August 24, 2016
Hello Everyone,
 We went back to school this week! While I will miss summer, I look forward to having a routine again! Since back to school is an exciting time, I compiled a list of activities that you can plan to make it extra special!

1. The night before school starts, fill your child's room with balloons. Buy or make a special card.

2. Plan a special breakfast or dinner for the first day of school.

3. Make a scrapbook of old pictures from past first days. This is easy with Shutterfly or Snapfish.

4. Write a cute note to put in their lunch.

5. Make a time capsule. In the capsule place pictures, newspaper articles, and other memories of 2016. Open it next year.

6. Have a family fun night on the Friday after school begins. The family can come together and talk about the first week. Rent a movie, do a craft, or another activity.

7.  Buy an edible marker at AC Moore or another craft store. Use the marker to draw a heart on your child's sandwich.

 Let us know if you have any other fun traditions! Remember to enter our Elmo Contest and tell your friends to subscribe to our email!  Peace, Love, And Macaroni, Alicia